Computer Science Fundamentals chapter in PSC Syllabus, that requires good knowledge of computer history, generation, classification, computer system, hardware, software, networking, applications, safety measures and computer security issues. This study page on Computer Science Fundamentals will enable you to attempt the questions in Computer Operator Examination more confidently!

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Welcome to the first class of Computer Operator Exam Preparation. I am really happy to be a part of your success.
Well, you saw the syllabus! It is not difficult to understand that Public Service Commission is looking for an efficient, updated and competent candidate who knows well about the past of computers, development and its current stage.
Those who studied Computer Science in high school and +2 college, it’ll be much comfortable. However, if you came from some other streams with 6 months of diploma course, you certainly need to put more efforts. Make yourself aware of the trends, major events and incidents.
The syllabus of Computer Operator matches closely with Computer Science of School Leaving Certificate examination, so, mastering the chapters of SLC Computer Science puts you in a winning position. I found, they are computer teachers mostly who succeeded easily in PSC Computer Operator exam.
Before we formally jump into the computer science fundamentals topics from the syllabus, I’d like to discuss a few terms that will help to shape you for the lessons ahead.
Data & Information
These are most probably the most used word when we talk about computers. Computers process data!
I’d like to define data as the raw facts and figures about any particular topic. Different events generate data such as a purchase on a store, the salary distribution in an organization, a child is born and so on. These data are gathered and processed (arranged or calculated) for a certain purpose. Data alone is meaningless.
2038, Padam, Paknajol, Admin Section, M etc. do not have any meaning unless they are organized and presented in a proper manner.
If data collected are stored in an organized way so that you can retrieve (get back) any item quickly, store new items and make corrections on existing items efficiently, such organized collection of data is known as a database. A telephone directory, the attendance registers, visiting card album etc are all practical examples of databases. Computer databases are much more efficient than real world databases such as phone book because it is very speedy, accurate and diligent device.
As I already told you – data in itself is meaningless but when you arrange them, make some manipulation, or do some calculation it is turned into information. So, information is also called processed data. By processing, you should understand as arranging, manipulating and calculating.
In above example, if you can derive “Padam works in Admin Section”, it is information obtained by processing data. Or “Padam worked in our organization for 30 years” because he joined in 2038. We derived 30 years by calculating his date of joining. 2038 is data but “30 years service duration” is information.
The term data refers to qualitative or quantitative attributes of a variable or set of variables. Data (plural of “datum”) are typically the results of measurements and can be the basis of graphs, images, or observations of a set of variables. Data are often viewed as the lowest level of abstraction from which information and then knowledge are derived. Raw data, i.e. unprocessed data, refers to a collection of numbers, characters, images or other outputs from devices that collect information to convert physical quantities into symbols.
Note: This Computer Science Fundamentals notes is published in MCQ sets website. You can copy and use this content for your works, but remember to quote the original source and link back to this page.
Bits is the plural form of Bit which stands for Binary digit. There are two binary digits 0 & 1. Because computer stores and processes any data in binary digits most of the space measurement is done counting the number of binary digits. This way bit is a unit of measurement. For larger spaces we use bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes and petabytes. We will be talking about measurement units ………………….. unit. For now, it is sufficient if you are aware that bits is an abbreviation of binary digits.
Hard & Soft
The terms hard and soft are used very often with many words such as ware, print, output. I found most of the students (I will call you students rather than candidates as long as you are studying here) did not think about the terms properly.
The term Hard is used to mean something permanent and tangible that you can touch, feel, has weight and volume. Hardware is the machinery of computers – all those devices and parts. Hardcopy output is the paper printout that is permanent. You can touch and feel the printed paper.
On the contrary, the term soft is used with a sense of temporary, virtual – that exists and works but you can’t touch, feel. It does not have weight or volume. The software is the programs that run on a computer. They exist only till computer is turned on. Softprint is the print preview on screen. It is exactly same as printout but its not permanent and you can’t touch or feel the preview. The soft output or soft copy output is the screen or projector display and even the sound produced on speaker. All these outputs are temporary in nature which does not have physical existence.
Well, that’s all for now. Before you proceed to next lesson complete the Activities below:
Note: This Computer Science Fundamentals notes is published in MCQ sets website. You can copy and use this content for your works, but remember to quote the original source and link back to this page.
Run to your nearby bookstore and grab a copy of Class IX & Class X Computer Science textbooks. You are suggested to get a workbook and practice book too if you can find any.
Things to remember
- Any facts and figures collected for some purpose are known as data. Data in itself do not have any meaning
- Meaningful presentation of data is known as information. Information is achieved after processing data.
- We do not use computers to gather data but they are excellent devices to store, process and retrieve.
- Arranging (in ascending/descending or any other order), calculating (add, subtract, multiply, divide or any other computations) or any sort of manipulation of data to derive required information is known as processing.
- Bits is the abbreviation (short form) of Binary Digits. 8 bits makes one byte.
- Hard is used in computer literature to mean permanent and tangible such as hardware, hard-copy output etc
- Soft is used in discussions to mean temporary and intangible such as software, soft-print, soft-copy output.
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