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Practice with these quiz having more than 3000 MCQ Questions from Computer Fundamentals, Office Package & Webpage designing chapters!
At MCQ Sets, we've extensive collection of multiple choice questions that are most reliable for your competitive exams.
Fundamentals MCQ Quiz
Covers general introduction to information technology, history, generation, classification of computers, computer systems, hardware & software concepts, computer networking, online services, security threats, numbering systems and so on.
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Operatig Systems Quiz
Introduction to operating systems, types of operating systems, functions of operating systems, command line operation (copy, move, attrib), GUI, Windows Operating System and so on..

WordProcessing Quiz
Concept of word processing, types, introduction to word processors, MS Word interface, editing and formating text, find and replace, lists, tables, border and shading, indentation and tab setting, columns, header, footer, footnotes, endnotes, page numbers, file, breaks, graphics, pictures, charts, wordart, symbols, organization chart, changing default settings, mail merge, autocorrect, spelling and grammar checking, thesaurus, customizing interface, security techniques, master document, cross reference, index, table of contents, setting layout, previewing and printing documents.
Concept of electronic spredsheet, types, organization of electronic spreadsheet application (cells, rows, columns, worksheet, workbook & workspace), introduction to spreadsheet application, editing and formating spreadsheets, formula and functions, series, changing default options, sorting & filtering, data summarization tools, creating charts, header, footer, speller, importing & exporting, pivot table, goal seek, scenario & audit, page setting, previewing and printing.
Presentation Systems Quiz
Introduction to presentation application, creating, opening and saving slides, formatting slides, slideshow, animation, inserting built-in-pictures, pictures, table, chart, graphs, organization charts and so on
DBMS & Accesss Quiz
Introduction to data, database, and DBMS, basic concept of tables, fields, records, relationship and indexing, data types, formatting & validating field data, using simple queries, forms, reports, macros.
Webpage & HTML Quiz
Introduction to web page and CMS, introduction to HTML, HTML document, Tags, Skeleton & Flash, text, links, images, lists, forms, tables & frames and so on...
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