Public Service Commission recently conducted a competitive written examination for the post of Senior Assistant (Computer) for Nepal Oil Corporation on 28th Kartik 2073 (13 Nov 2016).
Here I solve the objective portion of the question paper. My sincere thanks to Mahendra Babu for sending the question paper.
Question Paper
Public Service Commission
Nepal Oil Corporation Limited, Technical/Miscellaneous, Fifth Level, Senior Assistant (Computer)
Competitive Written Examination
Key [C] Full Marks: 100
Time: 2hrs 30 mins
It is mandatory to mention the question paper key in your answer sheet. Failing to do so will disqualify. Use of calculators and mobile phones are prohibited. Please use separate answer sheet for each section.
Section “B”: Subjective
Multiple Choice 25 x 2 = 50
1. Objects on the slide that hold text are called
a. Placeholders b. Object holders c. Auto layout d. Text holder
2. Which of the following should be used when you want to add a slide to an existing presentation?
a. File, add a new slide b. Insert, New Slide
c. File Open d. File New
3. The PowerPoint view that displays only text (title and bullets) is
a. Slide show b. Slide sorter view c. Notes page view d. Outline view
4. …….. value change the color of text into red.
a. FF0000 b. 00FF00 c. 0000FF d. None of the above
5. Which HTML tag produces the biggest heading?
a. <h7> b. <h9> c. <h4> d. <h1>
6. The ALU of a computer normally contains a number of high speed storage element called
a. Semiconductor memory b. Registers
c. Hard disks d. Magnetic disk
7. Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves …. transmission.
a. Automatic b. Haf-duplex c. Full-duplex d. Simplex
8. DNS database contains
a. name server records b. hostname-to-address records
c. hostname aliases d. all of the above
9. …. command is used to create a file
a. Create b. Create con c. Copy d. Copy Con
10. Which of the following class uses 8 bits for and 24 bits for portion of the IP address?
a. Class A b. Class B c. Class C d. Class D
11. Which of the following memories need refreshing?
a. SRAM b. DRAM c. ROM d. All of the above
12. Pressing the combination of ….. keys is called warm booting
a. Ctrl+Alt+Del b. Ctrl+Shift+Del c. Ctrl+Tab+Del d. Ctrl+Caps+Del
13. ……..combination of keys are used for column break.
a. Ctrl+Shift+Enter b. Ctrl+Alt+Del c. Ctrl+Shift+Home d. None of the above
14. Which of the following is not of the merge process?
a. Sort the data records b. Format a main document
c. Edit a data source d. Merge the two files to print or create new document
15. In Microsoft Word the key F12 opens a
a. Open dialog box b. Save as dialog box c. Save dialog box d. Close dialog box
16. To print current page of a document only
a. Press Ctrl+P and select current page
b. Click MS Office button >> Print >> Print Preview >> Print and select current page
c. Click MS Office button >> Print >> Quick Print
d. Both A and B
17. The A4 default paper size of width/height is
a. 8.17”/11.59” b. 8.27”/11.69” c. 8.37”/11.79” d. None of above
18. The formula in cell B5 is =A4+C3. This is copied to the cell D8. What will be the formula in D8?
a. A4+C3 b. C7+E7 c. C4+E3 d. E7+C5
19. Which of the following is correct syntax in Excel?
a. =IF(LogicalText, TrueResult, FalseResult)
b. =IF(LogicalTest, (TrueResult, FalseResult))
c. =IF(LogicalTest, TrueResult)(LogicalTest, FalseResult))
d. =IF(LogicalTest, TrueResult, IF(LogicalTest, FalseResult))
20. Which is an example of a function?
a. Add(A1:A2) b. =A1+A c. =Sum(A1:A2) d. A1+A2
21. To start data on a new line within a cell, enter a line break by pressing
a. Alt+Enter b. Shift+Enter c. Ctrl+Enter d. None of the above
22. A form can be used as a
a. Data entry b. Switchboard c. Custom dialog box d. All of the above
23. ….. is the default field size of auto number
a. Short Integer b. Long Integer c. Float d. Double
24. …. Uniquely identifies each record
a. Primary key b. key record c. Unique key d. Field name
25. Function key …. is used to display the Slides show
a. F4 b. F5 c. F6 d. F7
- F4 b. F5 c. F6 d. F7
Section “B”: Subjective
Short Answer 5 x 10 = 50 marks
- What are the different types of topology used for networking? Explain in detail with major characteristics. 10
- What is an Operating System? List the features and define the type of Operating System in detail with example
- What is the procedure of inserting symbols in an MS-Word document? Write steps for protecting document with password. Explain about mail merge in MS-Word with its steps. 3+3+4=30
- Explain the electronic spreadsheet. How can Excel treat the number 7/28 entered in a cell without applying any formats? Describe the organization of an Excel spreadsheet. 3+1+6=10
- Define the IT and its advantages. List the objectives of IT Policy of Nepal, 2057. 2+4+4=10
Correct Answers of Objective Questions
1 – a | 2 – b | 3 – d | 4 – a | 5 – d | 6 – b | 7 – d | 8 – d | 9 –d | 10 – a |
11 – b | 12 – a | 13 – a | 14 – b | 15 – b | 16 – a | 17 – b | 18 – b | 19 – a | 20 – c |
21 – a | 22 – d | 23 – b | 24 – a | 25 – b |
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Sir namaskar
Nepal oil cop.Q no 14 which Answer is correct?
14. Which of the following is not of the merge process?
a. Sort the data records b. Format a main document
c. Edit a data source d. Merge the two files to print or create new document
I was also confused between A & B. Editing main document is required because we need to insert merge fields in main document. But formatting main document is regular step rather than of the merge process.
Sorting data source though is not a mandatory step, it is a step while merge process if you require the records printed in sorted order.
So, I selected option b as correct answer.
sir 22 no ques ko answer kunai ma form entry cha t form vneko switchboard pani vneko cha yo question le confused banayeko cha
Nepal Bank limited 2073,senior Assistent ko solved question paper raknu na sir plz
Laxmi ji, please send the question paper to [email protected] , I’ll solve it and publish.
sir qsn send gare ………….solve vayena???
qsn 16 ko (d) hunuparne haina?
Suresh Sir, In this question, The answer i believe is C7+E6, which is not in option.
Waiting your reply.
18. The formula in cell B5 is =A4+C3. This is copied to the cell D8. What will be the formula in D8?
a. A4+C3 b. C7+E7 c. C4+E3 d. E7+C5
Yubraj, please see the page linked below:
good morning sir hajur le share gare ko “nepal oil NIgam” ra “human right ” ko question pdf file ma pawword protect xa password ke hola sir bata download gareko file haru ko password mcqsets ho. Page ma nai lekheko thiyo, hernu bhayena 🙂