
This is the revised edition of Operating Systems MCQ PDF eBook. We've removed the errors and updated the answers where it was mistaken.

In the previous version, we discovered some ambiguous questions and ill-formed sentences. We've restructured them. Also, some questions had multiple almost-correct options. We changed the options. Thus, this second edition of Operating Systems MCQ PDF file is more useful!
More Questions!

This edition of Operating Systems MCQ eBook contains more questions added. Hope it will be helpful to prepare your exams.
Operating Systems MCQ PDF eBook
- Name: computer-science-operating-systems-mcq-bank.pdf
- No of Pages: 24
- Format: PDF
- Layout: 3 column
- No of Questions: 454
- Correct Answers Page: 1
- First Edition: 2014 Jan 29
- Revised: 2016 May 31
- Password: mcqsets
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The password required to open this eBook is 'mcqsets'
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