Though Microsoft Word does not provide direct option to insert column numbers in your document, you can apply a small trick and make the work done.
Why would anyone ever need column numbers? Well, sometimes it is easy to design multiple pages in one page of your document and columns are handy tool. When printed each column can be treated as a different page. Now, our problem is how to show page numbers for those columns as if each column is a separate page.
This question was asked by Krishna Verma as a comment in one of the Practical Sets ICT Trends has published. This post is in response to his query.
Lets start solving the problem:
Create columns in your document (say, 3 for my example). Your document may have multiple pages. If it has only one page, there is nothing to work hard – you can just insert text boxes and type 1, 2 and 3 on three text boxes and position it properly. The problem is only when you have multiple pages and each page contain 3 columns.
The real trick is to insert Field Code below each column and enter formula on those field code so that it will produce 1, 2 and 3 on the first page while, 4, 5 and 6 on the second page and so on.
I’ve inserted very large page numbers inside big ovals, but its just to show them clearly. I have four pages and 3 columns in each page.
To insert column numbers like this, you should have knowledge of headers & footers, page numbers and field codes.
Headers & Footers
Header is the text displayed usually on the top margin of every page and footer is on the bottom margin. Page numbers, name of book, author, document created date, time etc. are common elements that are used as header or footer in any document.
You can switch to header & footer editing view by clicking on View >> Header & Footer (Word 2003) or Insert >> Header or Footer button >> Edit Header or Footer (Word 2007 & 2010). When you are in header or footer editing screen,
- The header and footer area are marked with dashed border and
- The regular text is dimmed to distinguish the contents typed as header or footer.
You can enter and format any text or object in header and footer editing screen as you can do in normal document editing.
Whatever you enter as header or footer appears on all the pages of document, at least on all pages of same section if you have multiple sections in document.
Page Numbering
MS Word has build in feature to insert page numbers in your document. You can insert page numbers by clicking on Page Number button on Header & Footer toolbar. You can also insert page numbers by clicking on Insert >> Page Numbers. It allows you to choose position and number format.
In our case, however, this page numbering can’t be of any help because we need to insert 1, 2 and 3 on a page to which Word thinks is Page 1. We will manipulate the field code of Page Number to achieve this.
Field Codes
Fields in Microsoft Word are used as placeholders for data that might change in a document and for creating form letters and labels in mail-merge documents. Word inserts fields automatically when you use particular commands, such as when you insert a page number, when you insert a document building block such as a cover page, or when you create a table of contents. You can also manually insert fields to automate aspects of your document, such as merging data from a data source or performing calculations.
You can insert field codes from Insert >> Field (Word 2003) or Insert >> Quick Parts >> Fields.
Alternately, Press Ctrl + F9 to insert field manually. For example Press Ctrl + F9 on your document; it will produce { }. Type Page inside the field code so that it appears as { Page }. Now when you hide field code or preview document you’ll see page number in place of that field code.
You can press Alt + F9 to switch between field code and field value. Alternately, right click on field and choose Toggle Field Codes.
To update the field value when you change field codes, right the field and choose Update Field.
To read more about field codes and the list of all the codes available in MS Word, Please click here.
Insert Column Number in Your Document
Now, lets start solving our problem. We have a document with multiple pages and there are 3 columns in each page.
- Go to the Footer editing screen because we are inserting page numbers at the footer and we want the column numbers to populate automatically when we insert for one page.
- Insert oval or any other shape if you wish to insert column number inside shapes; otherwise, you can directly insert on the footer area of document. If you insert column number directly on footer, set the tab stop positions so that the 3 codes we are going to insert are just below each of the columns.
- Place insertion line inside the first shape (You may need to right click and choose Add Text) or on first tab stop position. Press Ctrl + F9 to insert field code in the cursor position. It will produce a pair of braces and cursor inside it.
- Type there = 3 * and Press Ctrl + F9 to insert another field after equal symbol. This results in another pair of braces after ‘=’ symbol. Type Page inside the new field and enter –2 after the closing brace of Page field. the field code should read as:
{ = 3 * { Page } – 2 } - Similarly, insert { = 3 * { Page } – 1 } in the second box and { = 3 * { Page } } on the third box.
These codes will generate 3 x 1 – 2 = 1 on the first box; 3 x 1 – 1 = 2 on the second box; and, 3 x 1 = 3 on the third box. Similarly on second page these fields will produce 3 x 2 – 2 = 4 on the first box, 3 x 2 – 1 = 5 on the second and 3 x 2 = 6 on the third box of second page.
- After you’ve inserted all these 3 codes on footer close the footer editing screen. You’ll see the column numbers correctly populated on your document. If you find that the fields are not updated, check it in Print Preview screen or right click on the fields and choose Update Field.
How to insert column number if every page have 2 columns?
We inserted mathematical formula 3p, 3p-1 and 3p-2 in the field codes to generate 3,2 and 1 respectively. On the formula there was 3 because we had 3 columns in each page and ‘p’ stands for page number as Word counts and –2, –1 and –0 to produce required numbers respectively. So, if there are only two columns on the document, you can modify formula as:
= 2 * {Page} – 1
for the first column and
= 2 * {Page}
for the second column.
Now, I believe you can compose the formula when there are 4 columns in every page of document:
= 4 * {Page} – 3, = 4 * {Page} – 2, = 4 * {Page} –1 and =4 * {Page}
Voila! That’s all about inserting column numbers in document. I hope you can do it easily now. I’ll be happy to solve your queries if there is still anything confusing.
Wish you best of luck and happy studying!
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