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Here we present Microsoft Word Online Exam for Word 2003, 2007 and 2010. You can test your knowledge about Word Processing and in special MS Word. This online exam presents you 20 multiple choice questions with 4 options. You can select the correct answer by clicking on the respective radio button. When you answer all of the questions, click on Submit button at the bottom of questions.
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Number of questions: 20
Options for each question: 4
Correct answer for each question: 1
Marks for correct answer: 5
Marks for wrong answer: -1
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Microsoft Word Online Exam
Chandra Tamang says
Dear MCQ Sets
What is the shortcut key for ‘Find and Replace’ dialog box?
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + R
Ctrl + H
Ctrl + Shift + F
Problem : Are (Ctrl + F and Ctrl + H )not same in the case of display ‘Find and Replace’ dialog box?
MCQ Sets says
The Find, Replace and Goto are on same dialog box but Word provides Ctrl+F for Find, Ctrl+H for Replace and Ctrl+G for Goto. The required tab is fronted if you pressed correct short cut key.
Dev says
According to question, I think Ctrl+F, Ctrl+H, Ctrl+g and F5 are all should be correct answers.
MCQ Sets says
Though Ctrl+F, Ctrl+H and Ctrl+G (also F5) all open the same dialog box the tab it fronts is different. Like Goto tab is fronted when you click Ctrl+G and Replace tab for Ctrl+H. So the best possible option might be a specific one in that sort of question.
Ujjwal Maharjan says
How many columns can you insert in a word document in maximum?
MCQ Sets says
In multiple choice questions, if you don’t find the exact answer, choose the best suitable option.
Chiran says
So Which is the right answer sir
How many columns can you insert in a word document in maximum?
MCQ Sets says
If I were you, I’d pick up 65 which is the closest to correct answer, or, leave the question unattended.
Mira Ghimire says
sir will you please check que 7 and 8 in mcqsets…
7. How many columns can you insert in a word document in maximum?
the answer selected is b
8. In a doc what is the maximum no. of columns that can be inserted in MS word table?
and the answer given is c…
Will u please explain…
aman says
Ujjwal Maharjan says
What is the shortcut key to split a table?
Ctrl + Alt + Enter
Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Alt + Shift + Enter
Alt + Space + Enter
Which one is the correct answer?? Ctrl+Shift+Enter is for column break, isn’t it??
MCQ Sets says
Ujjwal, press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to split the table from where the cursor is placed.
Surya Prakash Acharya says
Answer show garna code entry garnu parne vaye pachhi saarai garo feeling gareko xu maile ta…. jati bela 100% correct answer choose gareko hunxu. tyati bela nai code invalid (wrong) vai dinxa….. ra…. time pani loss vako feeling hunxa, code invalid hunxa 2/3 patak try garda pani mildaina, tyati try garunjel ta arko post ko 9/10 wata questions attempt garintho hola here is great problem.
Dear MCQSets! what is solution……?
MCQ Sets says
I used the captcha codes to stop spammers from submitting the quiz automatically. If it is troubling the read users, I’ll remove the codes and better use log in feature instead.
Surya Prakash Acharya says
It is universal problems for real user’s of this site.
Thank you very much sir to removed the codes.
Which we can use and flow of this site to easily and quickly with happy.
I not found word for give thank you……. 🙂
sajjan bhurtyal says
. Which of the following can NOT be used to create parallel style column?
•Format Tabs
•Table Insert Table
•Insert Textbox
•Format Columns
sir …what does parallel style column mean??? and how is d. format column correct answer sir???
Binay Kumar says
1. word places data from another application is refrred to
a. link
b. embedding
c. linking
d. place in word table