This page is for you to ask your question. I'll be happy to answer them if they're related to PSC studies. Please post your question in Comment below:

Akil asks:
Suresh, Sir, how to insert footer (page number) for each column? as asked on model set 08
Akil, we have separate post to teach about placing column numbering. Please see
Biru asks:
Suresh Sir,
You have mentioned in Reply….the largest computer is Mainframe…How is it possible?? SuperComputer is the largest computer,,,isn’t it sir?? &
Quality of printer is Dots per inch…Isn’t it sir??
Please clearify the answer if possible..I will be very greatful to you….and other candidates too.
Thanking you
Dear Biru,
Supercomputers are the most powerful computers, not necessarily the largest computers.
Regarding the output quality, you should select dots per square inch if it is there in options. The quality of a printer is measured in DPI but the printing output quality is dpsi.
The dots per square inch is useful when printers can’t print same number of dots per inch horizontally and vertically. At such situations, DPSI better reflects the quality of printer output.
Liladhar asks:
Dear Sir, intranet, extranet,Ethernet and internet maa ma dherai confuse hunxu yasko kunai capsul pauna sakinthyo ki???
Please read the page
Liladhar asks:
Which function will calculate the number of workdays between 6/9/2004 and 8/12/2004 ?
a. Workday
b. Date
c. Networkdays
d. All of the above
Respected Sir, Yo question ko answer hajur ko site(mcqsets,psexam) lagayat anya sites haruma D/all of the above vetinchha but 2072 ko CO solution ma hajurle C lagaunu bhako chha,yasko kehi rahasya thiyo ki???
Networkdays() is the correct answer because it returns the number of whole working days between start_date and end_date. Working days exclude weekends and any dates identified in holidays. Use NETWORKDAYS to calculate employee benefits that accrue based on the number of days worked during a specific term. (as is in Microsoft site).
Workday() returns date not the number of days.
Date() function is to convert date string into date format.
Thus option D. All of the above is invalid.
So, there’s only one correct answer – Networkdays.
Ujjwal Maharjan says
Is it ok to use CSS tags in html coding?
As for
Suresh Khanal says
No Ujjwal, CSS is not there in your course. You should answer with HTML only.
basu giri says
suresh sir… in practical examination sample set 2
There is asked to create powerpoint file with five slides advances in every two seconds automatically…
my query is… do we have to add our data on the slides or we can add from autocontent or we can leave them empty…. doinh other activities asked there
Suresh Khanal says
If the question does not provide content, you are free to place there some sample content.
AKIL says
Suresh, Sir, how to insert footer (page number) for each column? as asked on model set 08
Suresh Khanal says
Akil, we have separate post to teach about placing column numbering. Please see
Oli Liladhar says
2. Which is the largest computer?
Mainframe Computer
Mini Computers
Micro Computers
Super Computers
4. The output quality of a printer is measured by
Dot per sq. inch
Dot per inch
Dots printed per unit time
All of the above
Plz check ans on mcq quiz set. I think there is wrong ans setting.
Suresh Khanal says
The largest computer is Mainframe and the output quality of a printer output is dots per square inch.
Is it mentioned otherwise in the site? If so please refer me the link. I’ll update it accordingly.
Biru says
Suresh Sir,
You have mentioned in Reply….the largest computer is Mainframe…How is it possible?? SuperComputer is the largest computer,,,isn’t it sir?? &
Quality of printer is Dots per inch…Isn’t it sir??
Please clearify the answer if possible..I will be very greatful to you….and other candidates too.
Thanking you
Suresh Khanal says
Dear Biru,
Supercomputers are the most powerful computers, not necessarily the largest computers.
Regarding the output quality, you should select dots per square inch if it is there in options. The quality of a printer is measured in DPI but the printing output quality is dpsi.
The dots per square inch is useful when printers can’t print same number of dots per inch horizontally and vertically. At such situations, DPSI better reflects the quality of printer output.
Oli Liladhar says
17. On which aspect the analog computers are better than digital?
How it is accuracy sir?????
puja kandel says
Yes ko ans paunu vhayo ta oli sir? If you know plz give me ans
Suresh Khanal says
Please check Q. 321 of
Oli Liladhar says
Digital bhanda analog ma accuracy hunchha ra sir???? maile question nabujheko ho ho ki ans Kunni??? Plz How is it??? Please sir explain it.
Suresh Khanal says
Please watch following video
and read the page:
arjun says
Process is
a]program in high level language kept on disk
b]Content of main memory
c]program in execution
d]A job in second memory
. The delete confirmation generated by …switch
a. /p
b. /b
c. /w
d. /c
. Which switch will be used in dir to see screen full contents of disk at a time?
a. /s
b. /w
c. /p
d. /b
puja kandel says
………enables you to move directly to specific location in a document.
a) subdocument
c)cross reference
yesko ans k hunx sir???
Suresh Khanal says
Please check for the answer. And I’d like to request you to search for the question in MCQ Sets site before you post question. This will save your time and mine as well 🙂
Oli Liladhar says
QN NO 33 and 346 of fundamental sets answers……….??????
Suresh Khanal says
Answer of Q. No 33 is ‘A’. For Q. No 346 also the correct answer is ‘A’
Oli Liladhar says
Dear Sir, intranet, extranet,Ethernet and internet maa ma dherai confuse hunxu yasko kunai capsul pauna sakinthyo ki???
Suresh Khanal says
Please read the page
Oli Liladhar says
What is the purpose of query?
a. Input data
b. Output data
c. filter/sort
d. All
I think Option c But somewhere i got d also. which is correct answer sir ?
Suresh Khanal says
I would go for option D. Please visit /database-management-systems/what-is-the-purpose-of-query-a-input-data-b-o/ for the discussion
Oli Liladhar says
Thanx sir.
Ajay Rauniyar says
4. In terms of cost/bit the cheapest device is
a. Semiconductor Memories
b. Magnetic Disks
c. Compact Disks
d. Magnetic Tapes
I think sir ans. C but most of place written D please verify it sir .
If ans. is D) Magnetic tape , (how this possible these are also used in video camera and too much storage capacity that’s wise I think Ans.. (C) soo I am confuse so verify it sir pls..
Suresh Khanal says
Ajay, Compact Disks are cheaper in compare to other options offered here. Before CDs were introduced, magnetic tapes (cassettes and cartridges) were cheapest.
Ajay Rauniyar says
thank you sir
Oli Liladhar says
Which function will calculate the number of workdays between 6/9/2004 and 8/12/2004 ?
a. Workday
b. Date
c. Networkdays
d. All of the above
Respected Sir, Yo question ko answer hajur ko site(mcqsets,psexam) lagayat anya sites haruma D/all of the above vetinchha but 2072 ko CO solution ma hajurle C lagaunu bhako chha,yasko kehi rahasya thiyo ki???
Suresh Khanal says
Networkdays() is the correct answer because it returns the number of whole working days between start_date and end_date. Working days exclude weekends and any dates identified in holidays. Use NETWORKDAYS to calculate employee benefits that accrue based on the number of days worked during a specific term. (as is in Microsoft site).
Workday() returns date not the number of days.
Date() function is to convert date string into date format.
Thus option D. All of the above is invalid.
So, there’s only one correct answer – Networkdays.
Hemant kc says
Hello, sir i am Hemant kc form dang
this is My test message for you
i want to give exam for 2074 in assistant computer operator.
thank you
Suresh Khanal says
Hi Hemant,
Welcome to MCQ Sets. Hope it will be useful to your preparation and wish you best of luck!
Oli Liladhar says
A system is integration of different units so as to achieve an objective
b.input unit
c.input and output unit
d.input, output and storage units
Dear Sir, i got its answer is A,i guess d also? Please clarify me.
Suresh Khanal says
It looks you’ve not read the Fundamentals in Read menu yet.
Oli Liladhar says
How many symbols exist in Baudot code?
Dear Sir,
I got different (32,58) answer in different resources. Which answer is correct; 32 or 58?
Suresh Khanal says
Oli ji, 32 is the correct answer.
Oli Liladhar says
The first general purpose electronic digital computer in the world was
All of above
Dear sir,
I got answer A in MCQ But Fundamentals note says: ENIAC is the first general-purpose electronic digital computer and UNIVAC is the first general purpose commercial computer so I am confused?
Suresh Khanal says
Please read the Fundamentals topic in Read menu
Ajay Rauniyar says
194)When creating a Web document, what format is used to express an image’s height and width?
a. Centimeters
b. Pixels
c. Dots per inch
d. Inches
sir, ans given b) buje na sir pls clear that
Suresh Khanal says
In web pages when we display image we use the code something like below:
< img src="butterfly.jpg" width="400px" height="200px">
The 400px and 200px indicates the width and height of image in pixels.
Ajay Rauniyar says
thank you sir
Ajay Rauniyar says
7. Magnetic tape can serve as
a) Secondary storage media
b) Output media
c) Input media
d) All of the above
sir. in MCQ Quiz i got A) but i think D) because of Magnetic tape also act as output media,input media..
which one is correct
Suresh Khanal says
Hmm… your answer is considerable. Storage devices are half i/o devices. But when I get most specific answer such as Secondary Storage Device, I’d choose that as answer. I wish the option D was ‘none of above’. 😀
Ajay Rauniyar says
11. Which of the following is an example of a real time operating system?
a. Lynx
c. Windows XP
d. Process Control
I think ans is Lynx but According to MCQ sets answer is process control ..sir which one is correct..pls reply sir …
Ajay Rauniyar says
20. The most commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters used in electronic data processing system is called
D) All of above
I think ans is D but According to MCQ sets answer is A) ..sir which one is correct..pls reply sir …
Suresh Khanal says
All of above is the correct answer. Please provide me the link, I need to update the page if it is giving wrong answer.
Ajay Rauniyar says
Q. Bit map terminal
A) support display containing multiple window
b) require considerable amount of video RAM
C) requires tremendous amount of copying and hence low performance
D) all of above
I m confuse sir , which one answer ..A) or D)
Ajay Rauniyar says
Q. 2) which of the following special characters can be used in a file name?
A.The semicolons(;)
B.The Hypen(-)
C.The period (.)
D.The pipe Symbol (!)
sir, i am too confuse in this Question…. Answer … in MCQ set given B) ans ..How sir ….. file name ma ta saby rakh na mel xa ta… then.. how ans …B ..pls clear this Answer … sir.
Suresh Khanal says
The newer version of Windows allows far more characters to be used as file names. But in older days the scenario was not like this and the given question is an old one. 8 characters for name 3 characters for extension and a period to separate them blabla….
Please see following link for more information
kiran khadka says
Respect sir
plz Which one is the correct Anwswer ?
1. Which enables you to move directly to specific loacation in a document?
A. Subdocuments b. Bookmarks c. Cross-references d. outlines
Suresh Khanal says
We’ve already discussed about this topic. Please see the page
Sabina Khadgi says
you can creat a horizontal page break by first selecting
a.a row below the row where you want the page break to occur
b.a cell in row 1
c. a cell in column A
d. both a. and b.
sir what is the answer?……c or d
Suresh Khanal says
Horizontal page break … hmmm…
Page breaks are inserted from the top and left edge of cell pointer. Break from left edge would insert vertical page break and from top edge will create horizontal break. If you select a row, then naturally a page break above that selection will be inserted. This way also you can insert a horizontal break.
Similarly, if your cell pointer is in any cell in Column A, it will not insert vertical break because the left edge is the left margin area and top edge will create horizontal page break. Thus this way you can insert horizontal page break.
Option B is not correct because it will insert vertical page break. With this reason itself, option D too is invalid.
KbBaral says
41. If you should decide the value to be checked against while run time you should create
a. Crosstab query
b. Parameter query
c. Append query
d. Select query
Suresh Khanal says
You should use Parameter query if you wish to decide the value of a criteria while in run time.
KbBaral says
46. Which of the following is not a single tag?
I think than is but in mock ups 5 steps
Suresh Khanal says
Hi Baral,
Where are the options? I could not answer because there are no options