Here are the probable interview questions for Computer Networking Chapter. I've compiled nearly hundred questions that can be asked during interview session. The questions are composed from Computer Networking, Telecom Basics and Online Services.
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Interview Questions from Computer Networking

- What is a Computer network ?
- What are the things you need to form a network?
- Write the advantages of network.
- Mention drawbacks of networking if any.
- What are the different components of a computer network?
- Define network operating system.
- Give any three examples of NOS.
- Define Network Protocol. List any 5 network protocols.
- Explain TCP/IP.
- What is the use of HTTP?
- Two protocols are used in email correspondence. What are they? Mention for what purpose each of those protocols are used?
- What do you mean by network services. List the 5 Network services.
- What are the 3 Computer Network Models?
- Write short note on Centralized computing, Client/Server network, Peer-to-peer network.
- What are the 3 types of networks based on geographical spread?
- Write differences between Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN).
- What is the full form of Wi-Fi? How far a WiFi can connect?
- For what WiMAX (Wireless Interoperability for Microwave Access) is used?
- What is the most popular example of WAN?
- Define network topology. What are the basic network typologies?
- What are the factors that affect the choice of topology for a network?
- Write short notes on Bus topology, Ring topology and Star topology.
- State the advantages and drawbacks of star topology.
- What is a data packet? What are the other terms to mean data packet?
- List any 5 network connection devices.
- What is a hub and for what it is used?
- How Passive hub is different than Active hub in a network?
- What is the function of a network repeater?
- What is a network switch and what does it do?
- Which network device is used to establishes an intelligent connection between two local networks with the same standard?
- What do you understand by wireless access point?
- What is the role of a router in network?
- Which network device should be used to connect dissimilar networks with different standards?
- What is the full form of MODEM? What does a MODEM do?
- What is the unit to measure data transfer rate in MODEM?
- Define communication Channel or communication link/line
- What is transmission media? What are its two types?
- Explain in short the guided media and unguided media.
- What is EMI? Which cable is completely free from EMI?
- Explain twisted pair cables. What are its two types?
- Write down the distance that UTP can cover and maximum transmission speed.
- How the resistance against interference and signal noise is improved in STP? Mention the distance a single length of STP cable can cover.
- Who invented co-axial and when?
- Describe the structure of Co-axial cable. On which applications co-axial cables are popularly used?
- In which transmission media the photons flow rather than electrons?
- Describe the structure of fiber optic cable.
- What are the salient features of fiber optic cable?
- Why radio wave, microwave and infrared are called unguided media or the unbound transmission media?
- Who invented radio transmission and when?
- Which transmission medium is used to create personal area network (PAN)?
- When was Bluetooth invented and by whom?
- What do you mean by LOS?
- Write short note on microwave.
- What are the 3 different transmission modes?
- What is the difference between full duplex and half duplex?
- Explain bandwidth.
- Write down the data transmission rate and uses of narrowband, voice band and broadband.
- What are the 2 different ways of data transmission over a medium?
- What is the benefit of serial data transmission?
- What is the advantage of parallel data transmission?
- What are the two data transmission modes?
- Clarify the concept of asynchronous and synchronous data transmission modes.
- Define the Internet.
- What are the different internet services?
- Write in brief the history of internet.
- Since when the Internet became publicly opened?
- To set up internet what do you need?
- What is a dial-up connection?
- What do you understand by broadband internet connection?
- What are the protocols required to send and receive emails?
- Who created WWW and when? What does WWW mean?
- Give any three examples of popular search engines.
- What is the protocol used to send and receive files over the Internet?
- Explain the term downloading and uploading.
- Give introduction to IRC, Video conference or video teleconference.
- What do you understand by usenet newsgroups?
- What do you call the Internet service that lets you to log in to a remote computer and use its service and resources?
- What is eCommerce?
- What made the distance learning possible and virtual classes help students to attend class from different part of world?
- What are web servers? Give some examples of web servers.
- Write short notes on web browser.
- What is web page? What protocol is used to transfer web pages from servers to the client computers?
- What is homepage of a website?
- Define (a) Uniform Resource Locator (URL), (b)Domain Name System (DNS), (c) Intranet, (d) Extranet
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