First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to all the successful candidates of Computer Operator Examination conducted by Public Service Commission. Hurrey! You did it! It was really a tough competition and you are truly awesome!
This Dashain & Tihar must be great for you. Wish you best of luck for upcoming exams and may this bring more success in your life.
It really feels great to see your name in success list, but now, my friend, you still need to work harder to get through the another stage of examination. After you got succeeded in written, there are now practical examination and interview.
To make your life easier, I've compiled several Practical Examination Sample Question Papers and they are already published (Please use search box 😉 ). I hope these question papers will help you practice better and make most use of your time.
Before you sit for practical exam, I'd like to remind you on some of the important aspects. Please pay attention to the following tips and make it best!
Check the computer before exam begin
Immediately you get your seat, perform a quick check of the computer you are given. Check if all the required applications (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Notepad) are working normally. Open notepad and start typing anything you are thinking about. This will let your fingers sense the keyboard and its keys. If you’ve brought your own keyboard and got permission to use, plugin your keyboard and make sure it is working properly.
- Enable ‘Auto Save’ if it is not already. Go to Tools menu Options sub menu. Then on ‘Save’ tag find the Auto Save option. Set it to 1 or 2 minute so that it will be saving your work even if you forgot to save.
- Disable Auto-correct Options and ‘Auto Format As You Type’ options before you start Devanagari Typing test and don’t forget to enable those options after Nepali typing test is over.
- After you check the computer, relax. Fill up the given form – Your symbol number, service, group, subgroup, post etc. Take a few seconds rest and wait till the question papers are distributed and time for typing test begin.
- Don’t panic and control your excitement. Be calm and act normal as usual. If you are too much hurried, there is higher risk of making more mistakes.
- Don’t try to take your full speed from the start. Begin bit slower and gradually increase to reach your usual typing speed. Trying to type very fast from the beginning will make more mistakes and you’ll hit BackSpace more often resulting less correct Word Per Minute.
Time Management – Every Second is Precious
The most precious anything you have during exam is TIME. No doubt you must make best use of it while you are preparing as well as inside exam hall.
30 minutes is what you are all given. The marks distribution indicates you have
- 10 minutes for MS Word,
- 10 minutes for MS Excel,
- 4 minutes for Access,
- 3 minutes for PowerPoint and
- 3 minutes for HTML.
Most candidate complain that the questions were not difficult but they could not complete all the tasks. This is most common but the most unfortunate. So be smart and make best use of those 30 minutes. Don’t try to complete everything but try to score highest by attempting all those questions that you can complete immediately. Don’t leave any question untouched.
Read Complete Question – Avoid misinterpretation
I do not mean the whole question paper at once (the 30 minutes time is truly insufficient) but you must read complete question before you start performing task in computer. Most of the time the later part of the question indicate how you should accomplish the earlier part of the task. Rather than doing the task based on the first part of question and redo or modify it to suit the later part as well, it is better you understand the complete question and start doing accordingly.
Open All Applications – Switching is faster
Throughout the exam duration you require the applications MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and NotePad. Rather than opening and closing applications many times, you can better open all of the applications before question papers are distributed. You can click on the respective icon on Taskbar to bring it front and start working. After you complete any question on that application, do not close it but just minimize it. You might need it again for another question after some time.
Remember: Press Alt+Tab key on keyboard to switch between opened applications. Press Ctrl+F4 to close document only without exiting any application
Be more choosy
Be more choosy while determining the order on which you’ll solve the questions. There might be some questions carrying less marks but consume more time and there are some question that take very less time but with more marks weight. Pick the highest marks question first and complete it. Then go for second highest and so on. It is not necessary and is not wise to go on attempting the questions sequentially in the order they are printed.
CTRL + S Every 1 or 2 Minutes
It is very wise to go on saving your files frequently. If you have enabled ‘Auto Save’ options, its good to hit Ctrl+S after you complete every task. Make sure, you don’t loose what you’ve done in case of power-failure or computer gone for restart. Once the exam begins, its only you the responsible about whatever happens.
I hope these tips will help you to prepare and attempt practical exam successfully. We’ll be talking about practical exams more in coming posts. Till then, Best of Luck!
thank you sir
Thanks Sir,
For the tips.
Can you please post about how to increase typing speed of Nepali Fonts.
Hi Prabin,
It looks many are troubled with Nepali typing. Going to write a post about it soon.
Namaste Sir! Many thanks for your valuable opinions. It would be kind of you if you could suggest us how to increase the speed of Nepali typing. Right now, I can manage up to 17-20 words per minute.
Aman I’m going to publish the tips to increase typing speed soon. That’s going to be my next post.