लोक सेवा आयोगद
टिम्बर कर्पोरेशन अफ नेपाल लि., प्राविधिक, कम्प्युटर चौथो तह, सहायक कम्प्युटर अपरेटर पदको प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परीक्षा
समयः ४५ मिनेट पूर्णाङ्कः १००
विषयः कम्प्युटर सम्बन्धी
उत्तरपुरस्तिकामा प्रश्नपत्रको KEY अनिवार्य रुपले उल्लेख गर्नुपर्नेछ । उल्लेख नगरेमा उत्तरपुस्तिका रद्द हुनेछ । परीक्षामा Calculator, mobile प्रयोग गर्न पाइने छैन ।
Multiple Choice 50 x 2 = 100 marks
1. Which language is used to create macros in Excel?
a. Visual Basic
b. C
c. Visual C++
d. Java
2. Which function is used to calculate depreciation, rates of return, future values and loan payment amounts?
a. Logical
b. Math and Trigonometry
c. Statistical
d. Financial
3. What type of chart is useful for comparing parts of a whole?
a. Pie Chart
b. Column Chart
c. Line Chart
d. Dot Graph
4. The …. feature of MS Excel quickly completes a series of data
a. Autocomplete
b. Autofill
c. Fill handle
d. sorting
5. which of the following is not a section in report design window in MS Access
a. report header
b. page header
c. summary
d. report footer
6. Which is the valid data type in MS Access
a. Number
b. Text
c. Currency
d. All of the above
7. In a table, the relationship among a set of values are represented by
a. Attribute
b. Tuple
c. Entity
d. Key
8. Slides can have
a. Title, text, graphs
b. Drawn objects, shapes
c. Clipart, drawn art, visual
d. All of the above
9. Keyboard shortcut to add new slide in MS PowerPoint is
a. Ctrl+N
b. Ctrl+M
c. Alt+N
d. Alt+M
10. द टिम्बर कर्पोरेशन नेपालको कर्मचारी सेवा शर्त नियमावली, २०५२ अनुसार अध्ययन विदा स्वीकृत गर्ने अधिकार कसको हो?
a. सब्बन्धित कार्यलय प्रमुख
b. संचालक समिति
c. बन मन्त्रालय
d. नेपाल सरकार
11. How many parts are there in the Constitution of Nepal?
a. 25
b. 30
c. 35
d. 40
12. नेपालको बर्तमान सूचना तथा सञ्चार प्रविधि नीति कुन सालमा लागु भएको थियो?
a. २०६७ साल
b. २०७० साल
c. २०७१ साल
d. २०७२ साल
13. द टिम्बर कर्पोरेशन अफ नेपाल लिमिटेड कर्मचारी सेवा शर्त नियमावली, २०५२ अनुसार सेवाको तहलाई कति तहमा विभाजन गरिएको छ ?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
14. नेपालमा द टिम्बर कर्पोरेशन अफ नेपालको कति वटा शाखाकार्यालय छन्?
a. १ वटा
b. ४ वटा
c. ९ वटा
d. ८ वटा
15. According to The Timber Corporation of Nepal Karmachari Sewasart Nimawali, 2052, what is the maximum mark a candidate for promotion will get for his seniority?
a. Sixteen
b. Twenty
c. Twennty Four
d. Thirty
16. Who was the first computer programmer?
a. Charles Babbage
b. Ada Lovelace
c. Bernouli
d. Newton
17. A teleprinter is
a. Teletypewriter
b. Teletype
c. TTY
d. All of above
18. The main block of the computer system consists of
a. Input, Output, CPU and Memory
b. Input, Output, Storage and User
c. Input Unit, Output Unit, Control Unit
d. RAM, Hard disk, Keyboard and Monitors
19. The programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM are known as
a. Hardware
b. Software
c. Firmware
d. ROM ware
20. The basic operations performed by a computer are
a. Arithmetic operation
b. Logical operation
c. Storage
d. All of above
21. Which of the following needs refreshing?
c. ROM
d. All of above
22. Which of the following require large computers memory?
a. Imaging
b. Graphics
c. Voice
d. All of the above
23. The ASCII code of 0 (Zero) is
a. 48D
b. 32H
c. 0011 1000
d. 42H
24. The memory which is ultraviolet light erasable and electrically programmable is
a. ROM
b. RAM
25. Which of the following malicious program do not replicate automatically?
a. Trojan horse
b. Virus
c. Worm
d. Zombie
26. Which of the following is not a valid capacity of a floppy disk?
a. 360 KB
b. 720 KB
c. 1.24 MB
d. 1.44 MB
27. A computer on internet is identified by
a. E-mail address
b. Street Address
c. IP Address
d. Website Address
28. The slowest transmission speeds are those of
a. Coaxial cable
b. Fiber optic cable
c. Twisted pair cable
d. Microwaves
29. Only filenames and extensions are to be displayed in wide format, which command you’ll use?
a. Dir/w
b. Dir a:
c. Dir/s
d. Dir/b
30. Each time you turn on your computer, it will check on the control file
a. Command.com, io.sys
b. Command.com, date.syss, dir.com
c. Command.com, io.sys, msdos.sys
d. None of the above
31. Operating system, editors and debuggers comes under?
a. System software
b. Application software
c. Utitilities
d. All of above
32. The command allows you to create logical drive
a. Sort
b. Path
c. Subst
d. Batch
33. What is a portion of a document in which you set certain page formatting options?
a. Page
b. Document
c. Section
d. Page setup
34. In MS-Word, ‘Cover Page’ option is available in tab
a. Home
b. Insert
c. Design
d. Page layout
35. Word wrap feature
a. Set text inside the fixed margin
b. Appears at the bottom of the document
c. Mark the paragraph center
d. None of the above
36. Which enables you to move directly to specific location in a document?
a. Subdocuments
b. Bookmarks
c. Cross-References
d. Outlines
37. Which feature is used for monitoring all document changes?
a. Edit document
b. Monitor change
c. Track change
d. Track all
38. Where can you find the draw table tool button?
a. Formatting toolbar
b. Drawing toolbar
c. Standard toolbar
d. Tables and formatting toolbar
39. What is the shortcut key to open the open dialog box?
a. F12
b. Shift+F12
c. Alt+F12
d. Ctrl+F12
40. Maximum width of Borders or a page border can be
a. 3pt
b. 6pt
c. 8pt
d. 12pt
41. What is the shortcut key to open the thesaurus window?
a. Ctrl+F7
b. F7
c. Alt+F7
d. Shift+F7
42. By default, on which page the header or the footer is printed?
a. On first page
b. On alternate page
c. On every page
d. On current page
43. What do you call a faint image that you add to the background of a document report?
a. Watermark
b. Style
c. Background image
d. Gutter
44. Which tool can the user to set indents of tabs?
a. Title bar
b. Insertion point
c. Toolbar
d. Ruler
45. Which one is the last column header in Excel 2007?
a. XFD
b. XFX
c. XFL
d. XFT
46. Which one is not a function in MS Excel?
a. SUM
b. AVG
c. MAX
d. MIN
47. The greater than sign (<> is an example of …. Operator.
a. Arithmetic
b. Logical
c. Conditional
d. Greater
48. …. Is not a data validation option in MS Excel.
a. Circle Invalid Data
b. Clear Validation Circles
c. Data Validation
d. Formula Validation
49. How do you wrap the text in a cell?
a. Format, cells, font
b. Format, cells, protection
c. Format, cells, number
d. Format, cells, alignment
50. The cell reference for a range of cells that starts in cell C1 and goes over to the column H and down to row 10 is
a. C1:10H
b. C1:H10
c. C1:H.10
d. C1:H:10
Correct Answers
Question Number-Correct Option
1-a | 2-d | 3-a | 4-b | 5-c | 6-d | 7-d | 8-d | 9-b | 10-b |
11-c | 12-d | 13-c | 14-c | 15-d | 16-b | 17-d | 18-a | 19-c | 20-d |
21-b | 22-d | 23-a | 24-d | 25-a | 26-c | 27-c | 28-c | 29-a | 30-c |
31-a | 32-c | 33-c | 34-b | 35-a | 36-c | 37-c | 38-d | 39-d | 40-b |
41-d | 42-c | 43-a | 44-d | 45-a | 46-b | 47-b | 48-d | 49-d | 50-b |
Which enables you to move directly to specific location in a document?
a. Subdocuments
b. Bookmarks
c. Cross-References
d. Outlines
What is the correct ans sir B)Bookmarks or C) Cross-References .
Deepak, I’d written a description post about this question some time back. Looks you missed that. Please click the link below to read the explanation.
plz Sir
Right Answer this Question …………………………
Which enables you to move directly to specific location in a document?
a. Subdocuments
b. Bookmarks
c. Cross-References
d. Outlines
What is the correct ans sir B)Bookmarks or C) Cross-References .
The ASCII code of 0 (Zero) is
a. 48D
b. 32H
c. 0011 1000
d. 42H
How its A sir .
Deepak please refer ASCII Code Table. Click the link below:
If you still confused, please continue the discussion.
47. The greater than sign ( is an example of …. Operator.
a. Arithmetic
b. Logical
c. Conditional
d. Greater
सर यसको Answer त C हुनु पर्ने होइन र कसरी B हो Clear गरिदिनु न सर
Do we have conditional operators? What are the other operators of Conditional operators type?
In fact it had to be relational operator but we don’t have that options there and among the four available options, B is the only most closest.
20. The basic operations performed by a computer are
a. Arithmetic operation
b. Logical operation
c. Storage
d. All of above
Sir yasko correct answer t a hoin r
Please read features of computers. A computer performs arithmetic operations (calculate), logical operations (comparisons and taking decisions), Storage (archiving for future use). Ani kasari answer ‘a’ matra hunxa?
Tq sr for give more information
34. In MS-Word, ‘Cover Page’ option is available in tab
a. Home
b. Insert
c. Design
d. Page layout
yasko pani Insert ma x t. ????
I am confused plz…..
Yes Rabindra. Please see the image below

Modem is used for
a.Data transfer b. internet connection]
c.Email connect d.no on of the above.
sir ans. a or d
A modem is network connection device. It is used to connect your digital devices (computers etc.) with an analog network (telephone network). It connects computers of different location through the telephone network. So, it can be used to transfer data. There were dial up network popular some time back. You could use it to connect to the internet. Also, you could subscribe for email services and use modem to connect to the email server.
Now because you need to choose any one of these options and the fourth option is none of above, I’d choose option a. My selection is based because it lets you connect two different computers at the different location through telephone to transfer data.
which one is easiest way to insert a chart?
a. selected data and go the chart wizard.
b. by using shortcut key.
c. by clicking on insert menu.
d. none of the above.
book ma ans. c cha tara easiest way ta b hoenara sir?
Definitely using shortcut key is easier.
not equal comparison operator ho yeslai logical Hanna mil6 sir