There was an examination held on 11 Bhadra 2073 for the post of Information Technology and Record Assistant of National Human Right Commission. My sincere thanks to Rupak Sanjel who sent me the question paper for the solution.
You can download the solved question paper as a PDF file through the link at the bottom of this page. Here I present the question paper:
Question Paper of IT & Record Assistant of National Human Right Commission 2073
1} A……. is a dot or other symbol positioned at the beginning of the paragraph.
a) Bullet b) Logo c) Cell d) Target
2} Print pages (1-5, 7, 9-13) command will print………… pages.
a) 9 b) 10 c) 11 d) 12
3} To insert three columns between columns D and E you would
a) Select column D b) Select column E
c) Select column E, F, and G d) Select column D, E and F
4} Which function tallies all cells in a range whether the cell has a value or a label?
a) COUNT b) SUMA c) COUNTA d) Total
5} The default header for a worksheet is……….
a) Page number b) Date and Time c) Sheet tab Name d) None of above
6} Which of the following is not a logical operator?
a) + b) = c) > d) <
7} If the value in A1 is “info” and B1 is “”, which function will return [email protected]
in C1?
a) =A1+”@”+B1 b) =A1#”@”#B1 c) =A1&”@”&B1 d) =A1$”@”$B1
8} You can use horizontal and vertical scroll bars to
a) split a worksheet into two panes b) view different rows and columns
c) edit the contents of a cell d) view different worksheets
9} Red triangle at the top right corner of a cell indicates
a) There is an error in the cell b) The font color of the text in cell is red
c) There is a comment associated with the cell d) The cell can’t accept formula
10} The following are components of a database except
a) Indexes b) Metadata c) Reports d) User data
11} Which of the following data type is used to store large text and numbers?
a) Text b) Memo c)OLE d) Large text
12} The extension of MS Access Database file is……..
a) .accbd b) .accdb c) .accmcb d) .accmdb
13} What happens when you press shift+F10 in MS-Access?
a) Shortcut Menu is Displayed b) Access keys are displayed
c) Program icon menu is displayed d) Save dialog box is displayed
14} Before the development of DBMS, the data were stored in
a) Cloud System b) Data system
c) File management system d)None of the above
15} The common field linking the two datasheets is the…….. key field in the main datasheet and …….. key field in the linked datasheet.
a) Primary, foreign b) Primary, common
c) Foreign, primary d) Foreign, common
16} Which type of field is incremented automatically?
a) Auto Elevate b) Auto Number c) Auto Increment d) Auto Value
17} The clause in SQL that specifies that the query result should be sorted in ascending or descending order based on the values of one or more columns is
a) View b) Order by c) Group by d) Having
18} Which of the following section does not exist in a slide layout?
a) Titles b) Lists c) Charts d) Animations
19} Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called
a) Effects b) Custom Animations c) Transitions d) Present Animations
20} Transitions applies on……….
a) Character b) Text c) Sentence d) Slide
21} Which of the following will not advance the slides in the slide show view?
a) Esc key b) Spacebar c) Enter key d) Mouse button
22} During a slide show, right-clicking anywhere on the screen enables the users to access the shortcut menu and choose……….to quickly move to specific slides in the presentation.
a) Advance b) Custom Show c) Go to Slide d) Jump
23} How to make an element draggable?
a) <div drag=”true”/> b) <div draggable=”true”/>
c) <div type=”drag”/> d) <div type=”draggable”/>
24} Each row of a table is divided into data cells defined by following tag
a) <tr>…</tr> b) <td>…</td>
c) <th>…</th> d) <td>…<td>
25}Title tag text display on……position on the webpage.
a) Left b) Right c) Top d) Bottom
26}The first computer in Nepal was
a) IBM 1201 b) IBM 1301 c) IBM 1401 d) IBM 1501
27} 1 nibble equal to
a)1 bit b) 2 bits c) 4 bits d) 8 bits
28} Honeywell 800 is ……… generation computer.
a) First generation b) Second generation
c) Third generation d) Fourth generation
29} In a microprocessor, data exchange between memory and CPU is done by
a) Control unit b) ALU c) Input unit d) Output unit
30} A fault in a computer program which prevents it from working correctly is known as
a) Boot b) Bug c) Biff d) Strap
31} Two kinds of memory are
a) Primary and Secondary b) RAM and ROM
c) Random and Sequential d) All of the above
32} The BIOS is an abbreviation of …………..
a) Basic Input Output System b) Best Input Output System
c) Basic Input Output Symbol d) Base Input Output System
33} DSL is an example of………… connection.
a) Network b) Wireless c) Slow d) Broadband
34} Which of the following is private IP address
a) b) c) d)
35} …………. invented the analytical engine.
a) Blaise Pascal b) George Boolean
c) Charles Babage d) Dr. Herman Hollerith
36} Which network topology would you find better for a reliable connectivity?
a) Bus topology b) Ring topology
c) Star topology d) Mesh topology
37} The full form of DNS is
a) Data Name Server b) Domain Name Server
c) Device Name Server d) Dial-up Name Server
38} Which of the following file contains commands that are loaded during the booting process in MS DOS?
39} CHKDSK command is used to
a) Report the status of files on disk b) Analyze the hard disk error
c) Diagnose the hard disk error d) All of the above
40} Which of the following is not a valid wildcard in MS DOS?
a) * b) / c) . d) ?
41} Environment within which programs of computer system are executed?
a) Operating system b) ALU c) CPU d) Memory
42} A user cannot access a server in the domain. After troubleshooting, you determine that the user cannot access the server by name but can access the server by IP address. What is the most likely problem?
a) Incorrectly defined IP address b) Incorrectly defined subnet mask
c) Incorrectly defined DHCP server d) Incorrectly defined DNS
43} Name the default windows application program that is used for creating programming batch files.
a) WordPad b) C c) Notepad d) Paintbrush
44} Word processing executable file is…………
a) Word.exe b) Msword.exe c) Winword.exe d) Wordpro.exe
45} In MS Word, shortcut key CTRL+H is used to
a) Display the Replace Dialog Box b) Open the Spell Check Dialog Box
c) None of the above d) Displays File Save Dialog Box
46} Tool in word to apply same format to different character/paragraph
a) Format repeater b) Format poster
c) Format painter d) Format generator
47} Word has a list of predefined typing, spelling, capitalizing and grammar errors that detect and correct.
a) Auto entry b) Auto correct c) Auto add d) Auto spell
48} To change the default setting of MS Word 2007,
a) Click options from Format Menu b) Click options from Tools Menu
c) Click Word options from Office Button d) Click style on the standard Toolbar
49} The shortcut key to count the pages/words/paragraphs/lines……………
a) Ctrl+M b) Ctrl+N c) Ctrl+Shift+G d) Ctrl+Shift+H
50} Which of the following is not one of the three ‘Mail Merge Helper’ steps?
a) Merge the two files b) Create the main document
c) Set the mailing list parameters d) Create the data source
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Correct Answers
1 - a | 2 – c | 3 – c | 4 – c | 5 - d | 6 - a | 7 – c | 8 – a | 9 – c | 10 – c |
11 – b | 12 – a | 13 – a | 14 – c | 15 – a | 16 – b | 17 – b | 18 – d | 19 – c | 20 - d |
21 – a | 22 - c | 23 - b | 24 - b | 25 - c | 26 - c | 27 – c | 28 - b | 29 - a | 30 - b |
31 – d | 32 – a | 33 – d | 34 - d | 35 – c | 36 – d | 37 – b | 38 – c | 39 - d | 40 - c |
41 – a | 42 - d | 43 – c | 44 - c | 45 – a | 46 – c | 47 – b | 48 – c | 49 – c | 50 - c |
Dear sir.
I Got huge Confused on question No 39. CHKDSK command is used to
a) Report the status of files on disk b) Analyze the hard disk error
c) Diagnose the hard disk error d) All of the above
Make us a clear on this question. I have found some all possible answer on this website. [] Hope you will search the solution of this question you have choose the D option on Assistant Computer Operator Examination which was held on 32 jestha 2073. Thank You ..
question 12 ko “D” hunna r answer ? i made confused q.n 7 and 12 please asked me about this question
Accdb is the access extension as Access DataBase
31} Two kinds of memory are
a) Primary and Secondary b) RAM and ROM
c) Random and Sequential d) All of the above
सर यसको Answer त B हुनु पर्ने होइन र कसरी D भयो र Random and Sequential लाइ पनि Main Memory लिन मिल्छ र सर Please Explain me sir………………
Kumar, look at the question, it’s types of memory, not the primary memory or main memory. 🙂
Sir question no 8 ko ans t b hunu parney hoina……mero confusion hatai dinu paryo
Bigyan, why do you think so?

You can present texts, titles, graphs, drawn objects, clipart etc in a slide.
Please refer the image below:
thanks sir,for giving us so interesting questions. yestai ques. ko aas aaudo din ma pani garchu sir
Two kinds of memory are
Sir namaste यसको सही उत्तर कुन हो सक कन्फ्युज भयो plz expand me
Two kinds of memory can be:
1. Primary memory
2. Secondary memory
depending upon for what the memory is used.
1. Volatile memory
2. Non-volatile memory
depending upon how they hold data
1. Sequential Access memory
2. Random Access memory
depending upon how a system can access the memory device.
1. Read Only Memory (eg. ROM, CD)
2. Read And Write Memory (eg. RAM, Disks, Flash Disks)
depending upon whether the memory device is rewritable or not.
Hope it helps you. 8. you can use horizontal and vertical scroll bars to
a. split a worksheet into two panes.
b.view different row and column
c.edit the content of a cell
d.view different worksheet
hajurle ans. a dinuvacha tara ans. b pani milna khajcha ni sir, a or b
I guess the question is not clear enough. Scroll bars are to scroll the sheet and view different part of worksheet. Yes, there are split bars at the top of verticle scroll bar and to the right of horizontal scroll bar that can be used to split worksheet into two panes. If you use both split bars, it will split worksheet into 4 parts.