Attempt following MS Word MCQ Quiz questions by marking the correct radio button. Once you finish answering all of the questions, click on ‘Show Result’ button to submit your test and display the result.
Each question has four options and only one correct answer.
Subject: Microsoft Word
Quiz: Online Test
No of questions: 20
Time: Not limited
Score calculation: Correct answers – 5 points; Wrong answer -1 point.
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Saroj Bhattarai says
The great job you did to let us to be success in PSC’s Examination & computer knowledge as well. Thanks a lot.
MCQ Sets says
I’m glad to find it useful for the candidates.
Pramod Singh says
pls also show the answer after test
MCQ Sets says
Pramod, the system should display your answer and correct answer after you click on ‘Show Results’ button. Please let me know if it is not happening like that.
Pramod Singh says
10. To insert a drop cap in one of the paragraph you should access
• Insert Menu
• Format
• Tools
• None of above
Dear sir it was in insert menu of office7
MCQ Sets says
Drop cap was placed in Format menu in Office 2003. From Office 2007, menu system is removed and instead Ribbons are presented. There are different tabs in Ribbon such as Home, Insert, View and so on. And in Office 7 Drop Cap is found in Insert tab, Text group.
Chandra Tamang says
Dear mcqsets!!!
How to say thank you that you have given a lot as we aspect. We are very grateful to you.
Thank you mcqsets.
MCQ Sets says
I’m more happy to be a part of your success. Work hard and my best wishes to you.
Pramod Singh says
thanks sir i got it, it was due to internet disconnection
Pramod Singh says
11. What is a portion of a document in which you set certain page formatting options?
Page Setup
Dear sir it answer is section not page setup why sir pls describe….
MCQ Sets says
Dear Pramod,
The question is – What is a portion of document, so here you need to name that portion of document. The part of document where you can set certain page formatting is a section.
Characters are the entities where you can apply character formatting such as font, size, text color, font styles, font effects, character position, character scaling etc.
Paragraphs are the entities where you can apply paragraph formatting such as Alignment (left, right, center, justified), Indentation (left, right, fist line, hanging), Paragraph Spacing (before, after), Line spacing (single, 1.5, double etc.), Window orphan control and so on.
Sections are the entities where you can apply document formatting such as paper size, orientation, margins, columns, header/footer, vertical alignment and so on.
So in that question, section is correct answer. Page Setup is a command in MS Word to specify some of the document formatting but it is not a portion of document 🙂
kamal says
What is difference between spacing and kerning????
Bhuvneshwar Gauro says
9. _____ are types of wizards and templates in the Resume Wizard dialog box.
Standard, Contemporary, and Sophisticated
Professional, Contemporary, and Elegant
Formatted, Unformatted, and Graphic
Basic, Comprehensive, and Formatted
Sir, Please give a brief explanation about this. I’ll be great full to you.
nirmala dhital says
Dear sir,
thak you very much
Aaryan says
To instruct Word to stop bulleting paragraphs, do any of the following except _____.
press the enter key twice
click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar
press the backspace key to remove the bullet
click the Bullets button on the Formatting toolbar
press the enter key twice : it is allso works fine.
click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar : it is allso works fine which one is corrcet sir? confuse
Suresh Khanal says
Read the question carefully. It says ‘except’. So you have to find the option that does not work. Three of them can stop bulletting.