Finally, the MS Word MCQ Bank PDF is ready and I’m glad to offer it to download. This bank contains questions covering almost all of the aspects that the syllabus requires. It includes mcq questions from Word 2003, 2007 & 2010.
I hope you’ve already attempted Microsoft Word Online Quiz ( That’s the best place to practice if you are now well prepared to attempt tests on Microsoft Word.

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MS Word MCQ Bank PDF
Name of eBook: MS Word MCQ Bank
File name: ms-word-mcq-bank.pdf
Format: PDF Pages: 19
No of MCQ Questions: 363
File Size: 1.05MB
Copy Locked: Not locked
Printing: Not Locked
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Direct Link: Download MS Word MCQ Bank
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Alex Kumar Roy says
i can’t download ms word pdf file . How to download please give me some idea.
MCQ Sets says
Alex, all you have to do is click on Like button under that Download heading. If you’ve already liked the page you can just click on X on Like button and then like again.
Once you’ve liked the page, download link appears! Cheers! 🙂
Chandra Tamang says
The header and footer command are located on the ____ tab
Problem: It makes really confuse: From insert of 2007 and view of menu of 2003, we get header and footer.
kamal “CRAZY” aryan says
really hai? it’s all depend on questions, i mean other question asked from 2003 or 7?
MCQ Sets says
Chandra & Kamal,
Read the question properly, it’s ____ tab, not menu or toolbar. When it talks about ribbons, tabs, the question is from 2007.
ashutosh says
how to download mcq sets pdf file plz sir give me solution ..
MCQ Sets says
This is probably the most simplest. Let the page load completely, then you’ll see Facebook Like button, Twitter Tweet button and Google+ g+ gutton below the Download title. Simply click on Like button. It will post the status in your Facebook wall and display download link.
Once you see the link, right click it and choose the location in your PC to save it. Done!
Foonduohsinn M says
very interesting and very educative.
Foonduohsinn M says
very interesting and educative. hope every success
Foondun Mohsin says
Quite interesting and very helpful for lower class
Bhujangadhar Roy says
Excellent work Suresh Ji………. Thank u….
Maryam says
Great!!!!!!!this helped me to score good marks
Karuppasamy says
Nice reference materials
Noman ali says
PrashantShrestha says
MS word, excel etc which version is that we have to practice 2003/2007/2010 or 2013 please help
Deepak Saharan says
2010 is best and perfect in all features. …. enjoy from Er. Deepak Saharan
gayatri says
Sir please provide key answers for all computer MCQ’s key answers. Or show me the way to get answers for all.
Deepak Saharan says
Dear Sir,
There is an error into MS-Word MCQ pdf file because there is one question “How many ways you can save a document?”
and Answer is option is A. And A-shows 3 type. But actually there is many type to save Word Document.
These types are :
1. Click on File option and click on Save button. (According to ms-word 2003, 2007, 2010).
2. Click on File and then click on Save As (According to ms-word 2003, 2007, 2010).
3. Click on Floppy Icon in the Ribbon bar which is situated in the ms-word 2007 and 2010.
4. Press Ctrl+s and save your document.
5. Press F12 from your Keyboard it will also show you a dialog box to save your document in a specific location in your computer.
6. I don’t this it is a option but really its a way to save a word document. Simply click on Red cross button (Close button) it will also show you a dialog box to save your document.
MCQ Sets says
Thank you Deepak for your regular contribution.
I understand your point and there can always be numerous ways to do a task in computer. However these questions were collected and presented here for the candidates of Computer Operator of PSC Nepal. Funny but bitter fact, there are some really absurd questions and to the utmost dismay they still appear in question papers. So we suggested candidates to choose the best possible answer among the given options. These 3 ways are from very old Word (I guess from Office 97) and the books presented this question in that way. Unfortunately, even today the question appears in exam.
Thanks once again for your concern and the effort to point out these matters are highly encouraged! 🙂
Tulsa Devkota says
thank you sir
PRASANTA Karmakar says
It’s my love for Ms all questions and answer
jiban says
thank u sir
amit says
have u provide us to answer sheet of this 363 question
rao says
can you send link of ms wors bit in a single pdf plz
Suresh Khanal says
Please check it in Downloads section of this site. You can download it by yourself.
Sushil Kumar says
it is good service to humanity
Sushil Kumar says
you have done a wonderful thing for man kind
Sushil Kumar says
Great job
Holuwa Justified says
Great one
Shweta Singh says
hello sir,
Have u published any book that contain mcq with solution of Ms Office??
Pls reply me fast as soon as possible
I m waiting here?
Gajen Rawal says
sir sabai ko second edution 6 ke operating system ko matra ho
Noreen Anjum says
have you any book regarding MS office mcqz…!! if you have please send me as soon as possible..
Thanks a lot
Noreen Anjum says
Sorry Sir!
i got all books finaly.
Thanks again
vir prakash says
sir I have got Ms word .Ms powerpoint .Ms acces
Suresh Khanal says
Awais Hayat Bhatti says
Sir where are you from I want pts and nts Pakistan 🇵🇰 data entry operator McQ’s for computer do you give me a help my number is 03064164806
Suresh Khanal says
I’m from Nepal, helping the candidates of Data Entry Operator of PSC exam. Please check your syllabus and I hope most of the contents should suite you. I’ll be glad if I can help you in any way.
Awais Hayat Bhatti says
Awais Hayat Bhatti says