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Computer Fundamental MCQ Bank is now ready to download as PDF file. I hope this will help you to sharpen your competitiveness and fill up the gaps if any.
The MCQ Bank contain questions from various topics of Computer Fundamental such as the history of computers, computer generation, classification, computer system, hardware and software, liveware, firmware and cache memory, peripherals, computer media, networking, security and viruses, file management, ASCII and Unicode standards, IT policy, electronic act and so on.
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Computer Fundamental MCQ Bank
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ranjan says
Its just a superb study material….
MCQ Sets says
Thank you Ranjan. I hope you’ll help me to promote this post by liking it on Facebook, Google+ and Tweet.
sahil says
Thankyou sir , it is very help ful to me I want to ask what does Computer O level exactly means I have exams so can u clarify me.
Paresh says
Why I can not find the download link? I click on download button but does not work for me 🙁 have you any idea?
MCQ Sets says
Simply click on Facebook like button and it will display the download link. That’s pretty simple.
Chiran Dhakal says
Dear Suresh Sir , Where is Answer Key. Please give me information sir
MCQ Sets says
Chiran, this is download page for Computer Fundamentals MCQ Bank. All the questions and answers are in the PDF file you’ll download. To download the file, read the download section properly. You need to click on the Facebook Like button to display the download link.
Hardik says
At first Thank you for providing such worthy material once again. It rally helps me to revise.
Sir while reading my PDF I found some confusion,I think some are wrong and in some I confused. I hope you will guide me as usual.
36) Magnetic disks are the most popular medium for
a) direct access
b) sequential access
c) both of above (my ans)
d) none of above (ans)
135) What is the name of the display feature that highlight are of the screen which requires operator attention?
a) pixel
b) Reverse video (ans)
c) Touch screen
d) cursor (my ans)
153) What is an interpreter?
a) an interpreter does the conversion line by line as the program is run (my ans)
b) an Interpreter is the representation of the system being designed (ans key)
c) an interpreter is a general purpose language providing very efficient execution
d) none of above
255) The memory which is programmed at the time it is manufactured
a) ROM (my ans)
C) PROM (ans key)
319) Computer instruction written withe the use of english words instead of binary machine code is called
a) mnemonics (my ans)
b) symbolic code (ans key)
c) gray codes
d) opcode
375) Which unit is known as nerve center of computer?
a) ALU (ans key)
b) CU (my ans)
c) Memory
d) Registers
459) Program are executed on the basis of a priority number in a
a) Batch processing (my ans)
b) multiprogramming (ans key)
c) time sharing
d) none of these
* I have read plenty of source about type of OS but when this type of question arise i always got confusion.
MCQ Sets says
Regarding #36, disks can be used for sequential as well as random accesses. In case of songs and videos, you can use to access sequentially while for program files random access is better.
Regarding #135, it is because you don’t understand ‘Reverse Video’. It is the feature that reverses the screen while you select. Even in MS Word, when you select something, you’ll see the black background and white text while the background of other portion is white and text black. Reverse video is being used since long to highlight.
Regarding #153, I found it is mistaken. I’ll correct it soon.
For #255, when there is PROM you can’t choose ROM only as answer. There can be many type of ROMs such as EPROM, EEPROM, EAPROM which can be flushed and written again.
Regarding #319, how could you choose Assembly when you have ‘Symbolic Code’ in the options. Symbolic Code is a program code unrelated to the hardware of a particular computer and requiring conversion to the code used by the computer before the program can be used.
For #459, I guess I did mistake. I’ll correct it soon.
Hardik says
Thanks you sir for your wonderful clarification as usual. Now nothing is vague on those question for me especially on 255 and 319.
Thanks a ton for being there & Please keep it up.
hello sir
pls send me computer literacy qns to mai mail id
[email protected]
Hardik says
sorry one is skipped.
368) Why ABC computer is called so?
it’s 100% A
A) because it was developed by Anasofff and Berry
but Ans key says B
B) Because is was thought to be the first computer so named with first alphabets of english.
MCQ Sets says
It is obviously option A. ABC was named because Atanasoft and Berry were involved in developing it. If it is marked otherwise in PDF file, it is mistaken. I’ll update and re-upload the file.
Sushil Chaudhary says
dear sir, who can i download question
MCQ Sets says
Sushil, you may need to wait till the page is completely loaded and you find Facebook like button in that Download section. Once you click the like button, you’ll see the download link.
Chiran Dhakal says
Sir Excel Set not download from facebook link how to download sir please help me
MCQ Sets says
Visit Downloads menu at the top. You can search for the files you need.
shiva rudrasswamy says
sir i hav applird for mescom assistant 20 marks for computer literacy
chandra says
I am agree with Hardik except question 135.
Mira Ghimire says
Thanks Suresh sir n Hardik….. Its so nice of u both to clearify the confusions..
MCQ Sets says
You are most welcome Mira. Glad you find it helpful 🙂
Nischal Lama says
Regarding q. no 255, It should be ROM coz question asked us for a time of manufacturing and in q. no 319, Computer instruction written withe the use of english words instead of binary machine code is called symbolic code… how it can be?
MCQ Sets says
There are different types of ROMs such as PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, EAPROM. In case of PROM, the program in it should be installed when it is being manufactured. But in case of other type of ROMS such as EAPROM, we can program it at any time later, thus, it is not necessary to write programs at the time of manufacturing.
Thus in my opinion, if there is PROM in option, you should not select the broader type like ROM. If the options were, ROM, RAM, Cache, Registers etc, I’d have chosen ROM.
Chandra Tamang says
What does this link proof?
Either ROM or PROM
subhash says
thanks so much…………..for providing wonderful pdf on fundamental computer knowledge
surya... says
dear sir i have no words how to thank uuuu…… just thanks is not enough
chintu sharma says
thanks for providing such help for computer operator candidate
Ijaz rehman says
sir ap mujeh gmail id be 2 plz
Nizam says
A 1000 Likes for u sir. i havent seen such an effort for free.really ur great for helping students.keep it on.may god bless u sir.
ali says
thank you sincerecely. i don’t have time your tutorials help me more
Ashok Maruthi says
Thanks for Detailed Computer awareness fundamental MCQ bank book. It is very useful for my ibps preparation. Once again thanks a lot ! Continue the good work 🙂
Hafeez says
Its so helful for my computer operator test
Abbay says
Brother very nice.your question are best and are important in exam
Rashmiranjan Panda says
MCQ: I can only say “Brief knowledge of Computer Science”.
Thanking you sir
Rashmiranjan Panda
Jay Patel says
Hi Sir,
Thanks a lot for the PDF download link. I am yet to clear my fundamentals on MCQ. This should help me a lot. Do you plan to provide any guide for advance users?
Anitha R says
please can you tell me …. how i book in this book …..in on line i want this book
khirod Meher says
Hiiii. ..I am also computer student
deepak jangid says
Dear Suresh Sir
its a commendable work you are doing for us
every one keeps looking for solutions on internet (about anything etc etc)
but people like you are few who write solutions and give it to world
appreciable work sir
keep it on
Fasih says
Sir I have downloaded the Computer Fundamental MCQ Bank Book but now when I open the Pdf file its want Password. Needed your kind help.
With Best Regards
Suresh Khanal says
Fasih, the pasword is written in the page itself. It’s just the name of website.
vinod kumar says
Hello sir, i continously reading your mcq question about computer. and its so helpfull to me. i wanna some help from u.
i m prepared for the exam of UKSSSC (Uttarakhand Subordinate service selection commision) paper for the post of computer programmer cum operator. So which type of question or chapter i can prepared. there will be 100 mcq question related to computer in paper. So plz guide me.
Fariau says
Sir I prepare nts so plz all computer science mqs send
Sumit Sharma says
exams ka liye ap k questions imp. h thanks a lot..
Mathubala says
Sir pls mail me ibps IT officer professional knowledge MCQs.
df says
i really appriciate to your hardwork to makes us productive.God bless you
Narayana says
your objective type question are really excellent
sir i request you prepare more subjects like.. computer networks, graphics, DAA, etc..
Suresh Khanal says
Narayana, we have questions about Computer Networking, but as it is included in Fundamentals, I did not compile to the topic separately. Also, I am focused to the PSC syllabus and it does not have graphics & DAA yet 🙂
jeyamurugan says
Hi sir reading your questions and answer very helpful to me thanks…
Suresh Khanal says
Thank you Jayamurugan. It makes me happy 🙂
Hari Shankar says
Sir, This Question answers have not pdf files
Suresh Khanal says
Hari, what do you mean? I could not understand you.
kamal malviya says
Dear sir computer fundamentals MCQ objective in hindi me meal skate he kya
My no 8269857193 piz
Suresh Khanal says
I’m working from Nepal and I have MCQs in English only.