HTML MCQ Quiz Set 08

Welcome to MCQ Sets and here is HTML MCQ Quiz Set 08. I hope it is useful for you to practice and test your knowledge about HTML and Web Designing.

The questions are related to Hypertext Markup Lanaguage, its structures, frequently used tags, attributes, the internet and web designing concepts.

To attempt this quiz, select the correct answers for each question by clicking on the respective radio button. When you are done with all the questions, click on ‘Show Result’ button.

Enjoy the html mcq!

MCQ Questions from HTML

Online HTML MCQ Quiz Set 08

1. Which of the following are attributes of Font tag?


2. Which of the following are two popular protocols that allow home computer users to connect their computers to the internet as per hosts? i) SLIP ii) PPPiii) HTTP iv) SMTP


3. ………………….. is a uniform naming scheme for locating resources on the web.


4. What is the use of iframe in HTML?


5. At your favorite sports website, you wants to go directly to the section on hockey. Which option should you choose?


6. To create a blank line in your web page


7. What is <tt> tag in HTML?


8. The correct HTML statement for adding background color is


9. Which of the following are commonly found on web pages?


10. HTML is a subset of


11. The Body tag is usually used after


12. <TITLE></TITLE> tag must be within….


13. PPP stands for?


14. Who invented World Wide Web (WWW)?


15. Identify the uses of URI in HTML.: i) Link to another document or resource ii) Link to external style sheet or script iii) Create an image map 


16. Which HTML Tag will use to scroll a text in web page?


17. Which of the following is not a style tag?


18. Which is the largest heading tag?


19. What is the full form of TCP/IP?


20. Which of the following is a container tag?





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You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong>