Trying to compare to find the best translator among assembler, interpreter & compiler? and confused why? Well, let's ponder upon this topic in today's post.
Well, this question is asked by Manoj Kumar, one of the members in our community. Let me try to clarify it to him.
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Computer Languages are used to instruct computers to carry out do the required tasks automatically. You write the instructions in correct sequence and the computer will process them one after another to complete the task for what the program was created.
Computer languages are of two kinds - low-level languages (Machine language & Assembly language), and high level languages (BASIC, C, C++, Java, FORTRAN, PASCAL and so on)
Because machines can directly execute programs written in the machine-level language you don't need to do anything else before you run the program. But in the case of programs written in Assembly language and high level languages, they must first be translated into machine language so that computers can execute them.
Assembler is the kind of language processor (translator) that converts a program written in assembly language into machine language.
Interpretors are the language processors that take each statement in turn to translate and give it to the processor to execute before it fetches next statement to translate. Because it translates one statement at a time and are the language processors that take each statement in turn to translate and give it to the processor to execute before it fetches next statement to translate.
Compilers are the kind of language processors that takes the high level program as input and translates it into machine language at once to create the object file . Once the program is translated, you can use object file to execute afterward without the need to translate every time you need to run.
Now, back to your question. You'd like to know which one among assembler, interpreter and compiler is the best one.
As you read the discussion above, each translator is for different language and specific requirement. If your program is in assembly language, there is no other choice, you must use assembler, so, no comparison at all!
But for programs written in high-level language, you have two options - interpreters or compilers. You'll use an interpreter to test and debug your program until it is in the final version. Compiling unfinished program every time to find the error is really troublesome. So interpreter will be best in such situations.
However, after the program is complete and ready for distribution, you need to compile it and create packages. For that purpose, compilers are the best ones.
Thus, in my opinion, the's nothing like best and worst among assemblers, interpreters and compilers. Hope it helps you to clarify your confusion.
Happy learning!
the best translator among assembler, interpreter & compiler? and why?
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