HTML MCQ Quiz Set 15

We present general knowledge quiz on HTML and Web Designing. Let’s test your knowledge!

The questions are asked from hypertext markup language and basic web designing. Make sure you can answer all these questions.

Hope this will be useful to you. Enjoy general knowledge quiz on HTML

General Knowledge Quiz from HTML and Web Designing

General Knowledge Quiz on HTML & Web Designing – Set 15

1. HTML tags are used to describe document ____


2. HTML document contain one root tag called ____


3. Which of the following is correct to set "Black" color as Background of page?


4. What is the use of Forms in HTML?


5. The attribute .................. of <BODY> tag sets color of hypertext links.


6. Which of the following is not a pair tag?


7. Which of the following is the correct regarding meta tag in HTML?


8. What is a search engine?


9. To create a combo box (drop down box) which tag will you use?


10. WhichDomain must be present in the website address (URL) of a university library?


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